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Thai Journal of Gastroenterology
Untitled Document


           The Thai Journal of Gastroenterology
pub lishes triannually (January-April, May-August, September-December) by The Gastroenterological Association of Thailand with aims of giving medical investigators printed media to publish their in teresting and instructive research works and clinical findings related to gastroenterology. Original research papers, case reports, and review articles must be submitted in English.
           Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced on single-side A4 paper.

Original research

should include

            1. title,
            2. abstract,
            3. introduction,
            4. materials and methods,
            5. results,
            6. discussion and conclusion,
            7. references,
            8. Tables, photographs, graphs and figures should be numbered and submitted separately from the text.

Case reports
should include
            1. title,
            2. abstract,
            3. introduction,
            4. case report,
            5. discussion and conclusion
            6. references

 Review articles
should include
            1. title
            2. abstract
            3. relevant review and discussion
            4. conclusion
            5. references


Format of the Manuscript

Title : The title should be short and clear, typed on a separate sheet and include the full names and institutional affiliations of all authors Together with source of research grant.

Abstract : The abstract should include background information, objective, methods, results and conclusion. Key words should be below the abstract.

Figures Tables and Photographs : Figures and tables should be in the forms of original drawings and photographs should be of high quality
photographic or laser prints. Figures, tables and photographs should be numbered in the sequence in which they are cited in the text. Legends of the figures and photographs should be double-space on separate sheets.

References :
References should conform to those used in Index Medicus of the National Library of Medicine and be listed in consecutive order as they are cited in the text, not alphabetically. The following examples demonstrate the form required by the Thai Journal of Gastroenterology.

  1. Standard Journals List all authors unless there are more than three, then only the first three are listed followed by et al.
    Viranuvatti V, Stitnimankarn T, Tansurat P. A fatal case of infestation with Fasciolopsis buski in Thailand. Ann Trop Med and Parasitol 1953;
    47: 132-3.
  2. Books and chapter in book Whitehead WE, Schuster MM. Gastrointestinal disorder : Behavioral and physiological basis for treatment. Orlando, FI: Academic, 1985.
        Ciminero AR, Nelson RO, Lipinski DP. Self-monitoring procedures. In: Ciminero AR, Calhoun KS, Adams HE, editors. Handbook of behavioral assessment. New York: Wiley, 1977: 195-232.
  3. Monograph Gastroenterology Unit,
    Department of Physiology,Faculty of Medicine,
    Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
    Tel 02-256-4267 # 117 or E-mail address : thongngam007@yahoo.com

          The editors and publishers are not responsible for the opinions expressed by the contributors to the Thai Journal of Gastroenterolgy. Accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of the Thai Journal of Gastroenterology and may not be reproduced by any means without the written permission of both the author and the publisher., Klong-tan Nua, Vadhana, Bangkok 10110


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