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Thai Journal of Gastroenterology

Thai Journal of Gastroenterology

2004 Vol.5 No.3

Article :
The Adult Cambodian Man Came with High Grade Fever and Cholestatic Jaundice

Author :
Sombat Treeprasertsuk, M.D., M.Sc.
Varocha Mahachai, M.D., FACG

Abstract :

We reported the adult Cambodian man came with high grade fever and cholestatic jaundice for 10 days
prior to admission.  He also developed acute renal failure and hemolytic anemia with skin rash.  The ERCP was
done due to cholestatic jaundice with thickening gallbladder which revealed normal biliary tree with mild dilated
gall bladder and few gall bladder sludge.  There was no intra hepatic duct dilatation, and there was no common bile
duet stone. The result of bone marrow study showed hypercellular marrow with reactive thrombocytosis.  The other
serology test for nonhepatotrophic viral study for hepatitis including CMV., EBV. infection showed positive only
for Epstein-Barr virus VCA IgG 1 : 320 with four-fold rising in the paired serum(1 : 2,560).  The patient got
supportive treatment and his general condition was improved and discharged home within 3 weeks with closely
followed up.  At 8 weeks after the onset of fever, all the clinical parameters turned to normal level.  All the investi-
gations and the serological tests as described supported for the Epstein-Barr viral hepatitis .

[Thai J Gastroenterol 2004; 5(3): ]

Keyword :
Epstein-Barr, viral hepatitis, fever, cholestatic jaundice

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