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Thai Journal of Gastroenterology

Thai Journal of Gastroenterology

2008 Vol.9 No.3

Article :
Effect of Red Chili Powder on Gastro-oesophageal Reflux, Esophageal pH, and Gastric Emptying in Patients with Reflux like Dyspepsia

Author :
Geratikornsupuk N
Gonlachanvit S

Abstract :

Spicy foods, or red chili ingestion has been considered as an aggravating factor of gastro-oesophageal

reflux symptom. But the effect of chili on gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) has not been well understood.




To determine the effect of acute ingestion of red chili powder with meal on gastro-oesophageal


pH and gastric emptying scintigraphy study after ingestion of 2 different test meals (i) standard meal (instant

noodle with egg) (ii) standard meal with chili (instant noodle with egg mixed with 2 gm of red chili powder) in

randomized, cross-over fashions, with a 1-week washout period. Gastrointestinal symptoms were evaluated by

100 mm visual analog scale (VAS).

Twelve patients with typical GORD symptoms, each underwent simultaneous esophageal


meal and spicy meal increased gastro-oesophageal reflux. An increase in gastric retention was observed at 1

after spicy meal ingestion compared with standard meal (p = 0.05). Number of gastro-oesophageal reflux, % time

pH <4 in distal esophagus, mean esophageal and gastric pH, and gastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms were not

different between standard meal and standard meal with red chili (p >0.05). However, in patients with positive 24-

hour esophageal pH test, there was a significant increase in acid reflux number at 2

observed in patients with negative 24-hour esophageal pH test.

After the test meal ingestion, 11 subjects completed the study. After ingestion, both standardst hournd hour. This difference was not


acid refluxes. During the 2

that spicy meal ingestion induce acid reflux longer than standard meal and this may be associated with an

increase in food retention in the stomach.

After meal ingestion, both standard meal and spicy meal induced an increase in gastrooesophagealnd hour after ingestion, spicy meal induced more acid reflux. This suggested


reflux, and gastric emptying in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms.

Keyword :
Gastro-esophageal reflux, GORD, dyspepsia, capsaicin, chili

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